
e-Stroke Study: Shorter Treatment Times, Greater Functional Independence Rates

A new study presented at the 13th World Stroke Congress found that the implementation of Brainomix's e-Stroke software resulted in faster treatment times, enabling more stroke patients to achieve functional independence.

1-Year Reflection on NHSX AI in Health & Care Award

We take a moment to reflect on all that's been accomplished since we were awarded an NHSX AI in Health & Care Award last year, with the support of some excellent partners.

New Mayo Clinic Study Validates e-ASPECTS as Accurate Stroke Assessment Tool

Study finds e-ASPECTS improves interobserver agreement and accuracy of ASPECTS scoring

New Results from Mayo Clinic Provide Further Validation of e-ASPECTS

A study from the Mayo Clinic, recently published in the BMJ’s Journal of Neuro Interventional Surgery

RESILIENT Trial Published in New England Journal of Medicine

First RCT to demonstrate efficacy of thrombectomy in a developing country healthcare system

Brainomix Software Featured in Oxford AHSN's May 2020 Newsletter

e-Stroke delivers benefits to patients and reduces health and social care costs - while also overcoming disruption to services caused by COVID-19.

Brainomix Featured in RCP's Future Healthcare Journal

The stroke team at Royal Berks showcase how e-Stroke is helping them manage stroke service during COVID-19

New Study Provides Further Validation of e-ASPECTS

Study published in Neuroradiology validates e-ASPECTS' capability of quantifying infarct volume from NCCT

JNIS Study: Using ASPECTS for Late-Window Thrombectomy Patients

Study supports use of ASPECTS to determine patient eligibility for thrombectomy even in late-window patients

TRUST-CT Trial Results Published in Journal of the American Heart Association

Results indicate exciting opportunity to expand thrombolysis to more stroke patients

Brainomix 360 Clinical Compendium

A summary of all of the studies involving the Brainomix 360 platform.

Study from Mayo Clinic Validates e-ASPECTS

Study published in JNIS showed e-ASPECTS correlated well with expert Neuroradiologists

Study from Mt Sinai Stroke Team Validates Accuracy of e-ASPECTS

Study showed that ASPECTS scoring with e-ASPECTS as accurate as scoring with CTP

Study Results: e-CTA Reduces Inter-Rater Variability

Study published in Cerebrovascular Diseases

Our Partners

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Boehringer Ingelheim Logo
Nvidia Logo
GE Healthcare
Wallaby Logo
Fora Logo