Latest News

Brainomix Awarded for Its Breakthroughs with Transformative AI Imaging Technology

Two top healthcare awards underline Brainomix's landmark achievements in 2024 and the validation of its software's impact on treatment rates

New Data Presented at American Thoracic Society Showcases the Value of Brainomix e-Lung Software

Brainomix’s e-Lung software is powered by unique imaging biomarkers that have demonstrated superior prognostic value compared with traditional measures in both non-IPF and IPF ILD patients.

Brainomix Nominated for Prestigious Prix Galien Award

The e-Stroke platform was nominated in the category of "Best Digital Health Solution," recognizing its transformative impact stroke care.

Brainomix Selected to Present at Premier Tech Investor Events

Recognized as one of the most innovative companies in Europe, Brainomix is attracting the attention of leading tech investors

A Year-End Reflection on 2020

2020 was marked by a global pandemic – but also saw significant progress and innovation

Join US at the ESO-WSO 2020 Virtual Conference

Brainomix software to be featured in a number of scientific presentations and posters

Introducing the New Brainomix Identity

We'd like to introduce you to the new Brainomix identity, which reflects our company's world-class expertise and focus on delivering cutting-edge AI solutions for better treatment decisions.

A Mid-Year Update from Brainomix

An update on some of the exciting developments from the first half of 2020

Brainomix Joins Global Stroke Community to Mark World Stroke Day 2019

Brainomix committed to working with clinicians to make life-saving treatments accessible to all stroke patients

Brainomix Participates in NHS Expo with Boehringer Ingelheim to Showcase Transformative AI Portfolio for Stroke

Event focused on NHS Long Term Plan and the role of AI solutions

Brainomix to Attend European Stroke Organisation Conference (ESOC) 2019 in Milan

Brainomix invites you to join us at ESOC 2019 to experience first-hand the most comprehensive imaging solution

Brainomix at WFITN 2017 Budapest

Brainomix will be exhibiting at the 14th Congress of the World Federation of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology

Brainomix at ESOC 2017

Brainomix will be participating at the 3rd European Stroke Conference (ESOC 2017)

Brainomix at ANIM 2017

Brainomix will be attending the Annual Meeting of the German & Austrian Stroke Society

Brainomix at neuroRAD 2016 Conference

Will be attending the neuroradiology event in Cologne

Brainomix at ESOC 2016

Brainomix is attending the 2016 European Stroke Organization Conference in Barcelona

Brainomix at European Congress of Radiology 2016

Brainomix is attending this year’s ECR 2016 - European Congress of Radiology in Vienna

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GE Healthcare
Wallaby Logo
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