July 4, 2019

Brainomix Software Transforms Stroke Care in Braunschweig

Brainomix Braunschweig

Brainomix’s e-Stroke Suite was recently featured in an article published by Klinikum Braunschweig. Below is an excerpt translated into English.

You can read the article here.

"Time is brain" - this statement summarizes what is most important in the treatment of stroke patients: every second counts. In order to be able to react even more efficiently and faster in the race against time, physicians at the Klinikum Braunschweig have recently been working with a pioneering new software, supported by artificial intelligence (AI).

For Prof. Dr. Philipp Wiggermann, Chief Physician of the Institute for X-Ray Diagnostics and Nuclear Medicine, the introduction of Brainomix’s e-Stroke Suite is a valuable innovation in diagnostics. Medical intervention can only be initiated once a blocked vessel or bleeding affecting the oxygen supply of the nerve cells in the brain of a patient is detected – ideally, as quickly as possible. Prof. Wiggermann explains: "The new software provides us with a reliable second opinion." This second opinion is shown on the monitor as a gray brain scan with color-coded areas, which enables physicians to see both the location of a clot and its dimensions. Prof. Wiggermann makes it clear: "With this software, we are faster, better and safer." It can already be stated that the physicians at the Klinikum Braunschweig have found the new software to be faster in about 10 to 15 percent of cases. "The fact is: Our findings are much more valid and reproducible and also better communicated to our clinical partners,” notes Prof Wiggermann.

Dr. Mazen Abu-Mugheisib, Senior Physician of Neurology, also knows how important the speed of diagnosis and treatment is: "Within just a few hours, irreversible brain damage has occurred, and recanalization (i.e., the dissolution or removal of a blood clot) may then be no longer possible. Stroke is the third most frequent cause of death in Germany. The new software greatly supports the close cooperation of the Institute for Radiodiagnosis and the Neurological Clinic / Stroke Unit in the treatment of stroke patients. Especially in the initial diagnosis and acute phase there is a close interaction: Is there a stroke? What is its extent? Can tissue be saved? What is the reason? - These questions are clarified as an interdisciplinary team, and further steps are taken.”

Every week, between 100 and 150 patients with suspected stroke are examined in the Klinikum Braunschweig. In 2018, about 1,800 patients were treated in the Department of Neurology and 150 thrombectomies (i.e., the removal of a blood clot) were performed. The Klinikum Braunschweig represents a major pillar in the treatment of strokes in the Braunschweig region. To ensure the best possible care, there is close cooperation with the Wolfsburg, Wolfenbüttel, Salzgitter, Gifhorn and Peine hospitals.

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