As 2020 draws to a close, and we all begin to wind down for a well-deserved Christmas break with our families, we wanted to take a moment to reflect upon the past year – a year marred by a tragic global pandemic, when we were all forced to adjust to a new, more restrictive way of living and working. And yet despite these limitations and disruptions, we remained committed to delivering solutions for physicians and patients:
- A New Brainomix Identity – we were excited to launch our new brand and new website in October, reflecting our company’s world-class expertise and focus on delivering cutting-edge AI solutions for better treatment decisions. This also coincided with the announcement of our new Chairperson, Prof Jackie Hunter, along with the appointment of a new Board member, Prof HO Peitgen, both of whom bring extensive pharmaceutical and imaging expertise to our organization.
- Supporting Stroke Care in a Pandemic – we launched our e-Stroke Mobile app in January, a tool whose clinical value was amplified once COVID-19 emerged, enabling expert treatment decisions to be conveyed remotely, all while reducing potential exposure to the virus – significant enough to be featured as a case study by the stroke team at Royal Berkshire Hospital in the Royal College of Physicians’ Future Healthcare Journal.
- Breakthroughs in Stroke Imaging – building on the foundation of our award-winning platform, we released two new versions of e-Stroke in 2020, representing a paradigm shift in stroke imaging. Our state-of-the-art AI software is the first of its kind to detect large vessel occlusions from non-contract CT scans, while also enabling the detection and measurement of hyperdense volumes that may be indicative of bleeding. Read more here.
- The Emergence of the Webinar – we discovered new, more creative ways of staying connected to our partners across the global stroke community, launching a series of interactive webinars and Masterclasses, where we discussed important elements of stroke care, showcased technological advancements, and highlighted new clinical evidence, often with a panel of expert physicians. Check out our Resources page to view these webinars.
- Virtual Conferences – with nearly all conferences moving to a virtual format, we had to adjust to this new experience as an exhibitor. We were excited to join the global stroke community during November’s ESO-WSO, where a series of posters and presentations validating e-Stroke were presented by globally renowned stroke institutions – a summary of which can be found here.
As you can see, 2020 has certainly been a year of significant progress for us at Brainomix. We look forward to continuing this expansion in 2021, with a renewed focus on creating AI-powered solutions to enable precision medicine for better treatment decisions.
From all us here at Brainomix, we wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year!