July 12, 2021

Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust Deploy e-Stroke Across Their Network

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The AI-powered software has been a real game changer, helping the Trust make faster treatment and transfer decisions for its stroke patients


Brainomix’s e-Stroke software has now been deployed across Dartford & Gravesham NHS Trust, one of the largest hospital trusts in North Kent, serving a local population of more than 500,000 people.

With a strong focus on innovation and improvement to deliver the best care as possible to its patients, the Trust first identified Brainomix’s AI-powered software as a potential solution at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, enabling on-call physicians to remotely manage the stroke service.

“We wanted to ensure that clinicians were fully supported with their clinical treatment decisions and specifically to aid the out-of-hours’ clinicians with the best possible stroke AI tools,” noted Wendy Town, Senior Radiographer. “I was really impressed with the Brainomix customer support. We were able to set up the application using a direct send from our PACS system, which was our preferred option. It was easy to setup and within a matter of days we were live.”

Wendy is also exploring ways in which the e-Stroke platform could help to further refine the Trust’s stroke service. The Trust is part of a stroke network that is linked with The Royal London Hospital, where stroke patients with large vessel occlusions are transferred for mechanical thrombectomy. “Our plan is to connect with The Royal London Hospital via the e-Stroke mobile app, which would allow our stroke team to discuss cases instantly without any image transfer delays. The mobile app will enable the stroke team to toggle on and off the AI image overlays exhibiting the contrast vessel analysis for quicker treatment decisions.”

Dr Prasanna Aghoram, Consultant Stroke Physician, spoke about the benefits of the e-CTA module, which provides results that are critical when determining patient eligibility for thrombectomy. “From the perspective of the clinicians, the CTA sequences on Brainomix’s e-Stroke software have been a game changer. e-CTA has been a great decision support aid and has reduced delays in referring patients for thrombectomy.”

“To fully optimize the frontline benefits of artificial intelligence in stroke, clinical confidence, ease of clinical use and minimum disruption to the existing imaging pathway are key pillars.  The imaging outputs provided by the award-winning Brainomix e-stroke platform are designed to ensure easy clinical interpretation via PACS, Web UI and Mobile App. We continuously engage with our users to inform product development and feature enhancements to deliver a world class solution to fully meet the evolving expectations of our clients. We firmly believe that the combination of our cutting-edge technology allied to the expertise and market leading customer focus of our staff makes the difference,” said Riaz Rahman, VP Healthcare Global, Brainomix.

The roll-out of e-Stroke in Dartford & Gravesham is part of a larger project resulting from a prestigious NHSX AI award to Brainomix in September 2020, enabling the company to deploy its software across five UK stroke networks to assess its “real world” impact on patient care. Dan Bamford, Deputy Director at the Accelerated Access Collaborative which manages the AI Award, said: ‘We’re pleased to be supporting Brainomix through the NHS Artificial Intelligence in Health Award. As one of the programmes in the AI Lab run by NHSX, it’s helping deliver our ambition of giving more patients access to the latest AI technologies that can improve their care.’

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