June 9, 2020

e-Stroke Suite Goes Live at Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals Trust

NUTH Stroke Team 002

Brainomix announced the deployment of its e-Stroke Suite software at the Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals (NUTH) NHS Foundation Trust this week, as part of an expanded roll-out of its technology across the UK in recent months.

One of the key physicians leading the implementation of the software platform is Dr Anand K Dixit, Consultant Stroke Physician, and Stroke Specialty Group Lead for the Northeast and North Cumbria LCRN. “Our Trust has been on the forefront of introducing novel ways of treating stroke patients. We are proud that we are implementing the use of AI through Brainomix as an aid for quick decision-making for treating patients with large vessel occlusion (LVO),” he noted.

“Implementing a state-of-the-art stroke thrombectomy service has always been challenging, with the main hindrance being the incorporation of CT angiography (CTA) into routine hyperacute brain imaging protocols, and its confident interpretation at the smaller, referring hospitals,” continued Dr Dixit. “We are hoping that the e-Stroke Suite will facilitate routine use of CTA at these primary stroke centres, enabling automated and speedy reporting of LVOs to ensure timely patient transfers to Newcastle for specialist interventions.”

Dr David Minks, Consultant Interventional Neuroradiologist at NUTH, is one of the physicians at Newcastle performing mechanical thrombectomy – a service he and his colleagues provide for the North East and Cumbria. “The e-Stroke Suite is a clinical decision support tool which allows the scans of stroke patients to be assessed by an AI software, which can then quickly warn doctors of a potential stroke. This will help the teams in the local hospitals who may not be used to seeing stroke patients or assessing stroke scans. The software can also instantly send the processed scans to my computer or smartphone, allowing me to provide an immediate decision on whether the patient should be transferred to us for thrombectomy.”

“The e-Stroke Suite will allow us to expedite the diagnosis, triage and transfer of stroke patients, enabling us to treat more patients and provide them with a better outcome,” Dr Minks remarked.

Dr Dixit is also optimistic about the impact that the AI-powered software will have on the regional stroke service. “The introduction of the software as a decision aid in regional stroke pathways will be systematically evaluated and we hope to witness a transformation of hyperacute management in stroke, with associated improved patient outcomes for stroke patients in Northeast England.”

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