The roll-out of e-Stroke across Sussex is aimed at expanding access to fast, effective, lifesaving treatment for all stroke patients.
Brainomix’s e-Stroke software was recently deployed across the East Sussex Healthcare Trust, with the AI software now being used at both Conquest Hospital and Eastbourne District General Hospital as part of the stroke service. Both hospitals have Emergency Departments and provide care 24 hours a day offering a comprehensive range of services.
“East Sussex are pleased that we are at the forefront of artificial intelligence technology for our patients. This is an excellent example of the multidisciplinary and inter-hospital collaboration across our stroke network. With our radiology colleagues this technology will allow the management of stroke to be more accessible, fast and of the highest quality,” noted Professor Nik Patel, Cardiovascular Director ESHT.
“We are delighted to have joined together with partners across Sussex to ensure that anyone who suffers a stroke has the same access to fast and effective treatment with the help of the e-Stroke platform,” continued Dr David Sallomi, Consultant Radiologist ESHT.
The roll-out of e-Stroke in Sussex is part of a larger project resulting from a prestigious NHSX AI award to Brainomix in September 2020, enabling the company to deploy its software across five UK stroke networks to assess its “real world” impact on patient care.
“Implementing the system has been fully endorsed through the ICS governance structures and shows complete system-wide commitment to utilisation of the system. Clinical support for the system is exceptionally high across all three of the providers. The Brainomix e-Stroke platform is underpinned by extensive published peer-to-peer
clinical evidence supporting its use. We expect to provide even further locally derived evidence in proving specific and measurable benefits for the Sussex population and local NHS stroke workforce,” commented Riaz Rahman, VP Healthcare Global at Brainomix.
The Trust has a 39 -bed stroke unit which is based at Eastbourne District General Hospital with those patients requiring further rehabilitation being treated at Bexhill Hospital. The community stroke rehabilitation teams support stroke patients at home and help to facilitate early discharge home from hospital.