e-CTP: Robust, Reliable CT Perfusion Results

To learn more about the Brainomix 360 stroke platform in the US click here.

High Quality Visual Outputs for Faster, More Confident Interpretation

The FDA-cleared and CE-marked e-CTP module is designed to provide decision support for clinicians when assessing CT Perfusion results, generating summary maps with improved visualization quality to facilitate fast interpretation.

Critical information is displayed over clear anatomical backgrounds, including:

  • rCBF<30.0%
  • Tmax>6s
  • Mismatch Volume & Ratio
  • AIF / VOF MIP & AIF / VOF Curves
  • Hypoperfusion Intensity Ratio
  • Multi-Threshold Tmax

World-Class Validation

Validated against a series of patient cases from world-leading stroke centers  –  including Emory University and Kiel University  –  e-CTP provides clinicians with an advanced automated solution that is accurate and robust, producing high-quality outputs to facilitate faster, more confident clinical assessments.

International stroke guidelines recommend the use of CT Perfusion when determining eligibility for mechanical thrombectomy in late-presenting stroke patients. The e-Stroke platform can now match each patient's data to clinical trial criteria, including DAWN and DEFUSE 3.

Advanced Automated Solution, Seamlessly Integrated into the Stroke Pathway

e-CTP can be integrated seamlessly into the stroke pathway, automatically generating results within minutes that are then distributed directly to physicians via e-Stroke Mobile app, PACS, email or web UI.

Click here to access our e-CTP brochure.

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